The basics of foreign exchange markets states that you need to always be working for profits. This is what the whole system is based on. Every single trader out there is looking for profits and that is what drives the system. I went for the longest time without making a penny in profit, but I kept working hard to learn and grow. That day did come and I was very happy. You have to do the same thing and my advice should help you.
The demo account you get with your broker is an excellent tool for learning the proper behavior for trading. The problem is that people think it's a tool to test out their next get rich quick strategy and get upset when it doesn't work. That's not what a demo is for. It's to help you work on those routines and things you do to find profitable trades. It teaches you develop instincts about trading that you wouldn't get by reading a book on forex.
Don't trade for the wrong reasons
You have to watch out what you're thinking of when you trade. There is so many thoughts going through your head and a lot of them are emotionally based. A gut feeling may feel like the best move in the world, but if it isn't based of fact, reality and evidence than you're just gambling with your money.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
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