Friday, July 2, 2010

Golden Future

Greece received a $143-billion bailout package from two sources, the Euro Zone and the International Monetary Fund.

The Euro Zone is made up of 16 European member states which have adopted the Euro currency as their sole legal tender. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization formed to stabilize international exchange rates, etc. and offers highly leveraged loans. Its headquarters is in Washington, D.C.

Since Greece borrowed too much money for too long and now can't pay it back, British economists told the Greek government to "abandon the Euro" and to default on their sovereign debt to save the Greek economy.

When that happens, look for Spain and Portugal to follow. Together Greece, Spain and Portugal have a combined public and private debt totaling $2.6 Trillion according to the economists at The Royal Bank of Scotland. There is no feasible way these countries can pay that debt back.

So, the assumption that the Euro was stable and would last forever is found to be wrong. The life of the Euro may be only months, at the longest a couple of years. Even the citizens of Greece see the looming catastrophe as vendors sell gold coins as fast as their paper assets can be converted.
German citizens, remembering the currency crisis of the 1930's, are rushing to buy gold coins. In the very near future, individual European countries will dump the Euro.

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Governments around the world promised citizens economic security in the form of pensions and health benefits which they cannot possibly afford.

The US debt problem looms over all of Europe's debt issues. Our financial crisis is just starting. The IMF has said that the gross public debt of the US will reach 97% of GDP next year and 110% by 2015. That kind of debt is unsustainable.

If debt continues to slow our economy's growth, we will never be able to grow our way out of debt. Yet, the Treasury continues to print money, continuing our monetary instability.
Expect the same in Europe, despite the European Central Bank's anti-inflation mandate. In 2009, Central Banks, which used to be net sellers of gold, are now buyers of gold.

Bernard Shaw once said: "You have to choose between trusting the natural stability of gold or the natural stability and intelligence of members of the government. And with due respect to these gentlemen, I advise you, as long as the capitalist system lasts, to vote for gold."
Look at the final phase of the global financial crisis, the destruction of money's value and the shrinking US dollar. The disaster has already begun.

The US is now the single most indebted nation in the history of the world.
But…gold is still the ultimate safe haven, holding its value better than any other asset class.

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